What Are Termite Swarmers In Denton?

pile of winged termite swarmers

If termites are in your Denton home, termite swarmers are the most significant telltale signs. Termite swarmers are exactly what they sound like—winged termites that fly away from the nest to start their colonies. Swarming only happens at certain times of the year for certain species, which may be in the spring, summer, or fall, but it’s a sure sign of an already established infestation when it does happen.

Read on to learn about what termites are in Denton, why termites swarm, and what termite swarmers look like. We’ll also explain when to call professionals for help and where to start.

What Type Of Termites Are In Denton?

Two types of termites call the Denton area home: 

  • Formosan Subterranean Termites 
  • Southeastern Drywood Termites

Subterranean termites are the most common termite species nationwide, and they’re also known to be the most destructive. While both species are damaging to your home, subterranean termites are seen as silent destroyers, slowly and quietly eating away at the structure of your home. Subterranean termites also eat cellulose-based paper products, such as books, paperboard, and important documents. This means that if subterranean termites are around, even your possessions are at risk of being destroyed.

Southeastern drywood termites, on the other hand, are less damaging to homes and structures than subterranean termites. It can take anywhere from three to eight years for these termites to cause extensive damage, while subterranean termites can destroy homes in just one to two years.

Why Do Termites Swarm?

Swarming termites, also known as alates, are responsible for carrying on their species. Thus, their job is to leave the colony, breed, and carry on. Swarming termites do not bite or sting and also don’t eat wood, but they are a sign of a much bigger existing infestation in your home. For this reason, swarming termites can be cause for concern.

What Do Termite Swarmers Look Like?

Depending on the species, termite swarmers look different:

  • Formosan subterranean termite swarmers are brown to black with wings that are clear to smoky gray. They measure a half-inch in length with four rounded wings. In Denton, where it’s milder than other areas of the country, these termites will start swarming in mid-February through April and tend to swarm after it rains. 
  • Southeastern drywood termites are dark brown and can measure up to a half-inch long, though they’re generally a bit smaller than Formosan subterranean termites. These termites swarm during April through July and are also most likely to swarm after it rains.  

Should I Call A Professional? 

To be on the safe side, you should call pest control professionals if you’ve seen termites swarming in or around your home and property. Although not every incidence of termite swarming signifies a full-blown infestation, it usually does and shouldn’t be left alone.

Our Mayco Pest & Termite Control professionals have been removing termites from Denton area homes and businesses for more than ten years. The family-owned and operated business provides full-service pest control, which starts with a thorough inspection in and around your home to identify the points of entry, nests, and problematic areas. After this, licensed professionals will design a termite treatment plan that targets your home’s specific needs, and we customize our follow-up treatments to ensure that your home receives against pests year-round.

If you spotted termite swarmers or need help with other pests, call Mayco Pest & Termite Control today at (940) 236-0628.