Getting Rid Of Roaches For Good In Your Denton Home

oriental cockroach on tree

They’re one of the most dangerous and dirtiest insects in the world. Cockroaches maintain their bad reputation for spreading dread and disease wherever they wander. Fortunately, Mayco Pest & Termite Control offers Denton’s most effective pest control to completely eradicate a cockroach infestation, while maintaining your family’s health and safety. We are well-equipped to handle any pest problem you encounter and we’ll do so with precision and efficiency. Read further to learn more about these harmful insects and why partnering with professional pest specialists is the best decision you could make.

The Cockroaches That Invade Denton Homes 

If you encounter a cockroach in your Denton home, one of three species will likely be the intruder. The American cockroach, the German cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach invade residences in our area the most. These three types of roaches prefer to hide out in cool, dark places. They’ll eat almost anything they come into contact with, including soap, feces, toothpaste, glue, and hair. They’re highly social insects and use their pheromones to attract others to their location. Contact a professional roach pest control company immediately for assistance ridding your home of these dangerous insects.

The Dangers That Cockroaches Bring Into Homes 

If the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to an insect as an “unhygienic scavenger,” it’s safe to assume that your health is jeopardized if exposed to this pest. Cockroaches carry many microorganisms and pathogens that can cause illness in humans.

Shockingly, up to 30 different kinds of bacteria have been found on cockroaches, which can cause:

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Listeriosis
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV)
  • Dysentery
  • Cholera

Roaches can also spread staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, and E. coli. People suffering from underlying health conditions may experience severe symptoms from exposure to cockroach saliva, excrement, or their shed body parts. It’s essential to contact Mayco Pest & Termite Control if you notice any signs of cockroaches in your home.

Why It’s So Hard To Get Rid Of Cockroaches 

When roaches infiltrate your house, it’s a race against the clock to get them out before the problem balloons into a massive infestation. These insects multiply at staggering rates. If the conditions are optimal, two cockroaches can reproduce about 400,000 offspring over a year. That means your pest control method must outpace their reproduction rate to eliminate the infestation. And if you’re solely relying on do-it-yourself (D.I.Y.) tactics or home remedies you concoct in your kitchen, those methods won’t resolve the problem. Cockroaches have also become highly resistant to many pesticides, making them difficult to destroy.

Save yourself the hassle of trying to get rid of cockroaches by reaching out to your local home pest management company for assistance.

The Most Effective Cockroach Control For Your Home

When you’re in the throes of a massive cockroach infestation, the only thing on your mind is getting rid of it as soon as possible. The best way to resolve this issue is to bring professional pest specialists on board who have the background and skills to eliminate all types of cockroaches. They have access to the latest technologies and industry-grade products to tackle pest problems with strength and accuracy. 

Since 2010, Mayco Pest & Termite Control have provided a high level of cockroach pest control in Denton to keep our residents’ homes safe and healthy. Our expertly trained team understands the habits and behaviors of common nuisance pests to wipe them out at their source. We aim to not only clear existing infestations but to prevent new ones from occurring in the future. We’ll educate you on how to deter cockroaches, and other pests, from invading your living spaces.

Get in touch with us today to request your complimentary estimate.