Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Cockroaches In Denton

an american cockroach crawling in a home

Pest control in Denton is made possible by our certified team of pest technicians at Mayco Pest & Termite Control. For more than ten years, we have proudly served Texas home and business owners with the finest quality care in pest control. We safely remove pests from your home so you don't have to worry, but it never hurts to stay one step ahead. Cockroaches present many dangers and shouldn't be left to their own devices. We are equipped to handle emergency pest problems and can help free your home from a cockroach infestation. Learn about the types of cockroaches, the risks to your home and health, and how to keep them out.  

Are These Cockroaches In My House?

Cockroaches in your home are often difficult to detect given their small size. These nuisance pests typically prefer warm temperatures when they are outside. The behaviors and habits of each species vary.

While there are thousands of species, these are the three most common types of cockroaches to invade your home:

  • The American cockroach is the largest species but they typically avoid indoor structures until temperatures drop. They are brown with yellow bands that outline their head. 
  • The German cockroach is the most spotted in homes across the U.S. They prefer indoor spaces and tend to congregate in the kitchen and bathroom before spreading out due to quantity. They are light brown or tan with two dark stripes down their back.
  • Oriental cockroaches are shiny black and tend to invade homes during summer. They prefer decaying matter and spend most of their time in sewers and under debris, stones, and piles of leaves. 

You can keep an eye out for signs of cockroaches in your Denton home with trusted advice from Mayco Pest & Termite Control. Be aware of droppings that look like pepper grounds and are accompanied by musty odors. You may be able to see grease smears leading up to your cabinets and pantries, as well.

Are Cockroaches Harmful To Humans?

Cockroaches are extremely harmful to humans in general and children's respiratory systems specifically. Cockroaches carry up to and spread 33 bacteria and pathogens, including salmonella, shigella, and E. coli. Cockroaches spread their germs by crawling over your counters and furniture, chewing into your packaged foods, and through their waste. Breathing in dust particles that contain a roach's urine or feces can cause allergies and difficulty breathing in young children. It's rare, but some types of cockroaches can bite. Please seek immediate medical attention if a bite does occur.

What Is Attracting Cockroaches To My House?

Food and moisture are the main attractions that your home offers to roaches. Thankfully, these are easy enough to fix on your own.

We recommend following these steps to reduce your home's attraction to cockroaches:

  • Regularly clean the crumbs that collect under large appliances like stoves and refrigerators.
  • Reduce your humidity levels using dehumidifiers and air conditioners.
  • Make sure your kitchens and bathrooms are ventilated properly.
  • Never store food in the open on counters or tables; place food in sealed hard-sided containers or refrigerators. 
  • Always inspect items you bring into your home, like boxes, planted pots, bags, and secondhand items for cockroaches.

Keep cockroaches from entering your home by sealing up any holes, cracks, gaps, crevices, and other tiny openings inside and outside your home.

Contact a pest control technician near you for immediate cockroach control services in Denton.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Denton?

We understand how frustrating any pest infestation can be, especially cockroaches. They're some of the tougher pests to evict from your home, but we like a challenge, and we're confident we will win. Mayco Pest & Termite Control has been servicing Denton and its surrounding areas for more than a decade with reliable cockroach control for your home and property. We're dedicated to ensuring homeowners can trust us with their pest control needs and are satisfied with our customer service.

Contact us today to receive a free quote and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Denton.